Live And Invest Overseas Article--Finca

Plus, From Larry Rose This Week: 

Above urbane and sophisticated Medellin is another plane. Up here, in the mountains that surround the Andean valley city, in the plateau towns of Altos de las Palmas and Santa Elena, is another way of life, one that is, for me, muy simpatico!
My fiancee Beatriz and I were invited to spend Sunday at the mountain finca of friends Aylin and Gustavo. We traveled a well-paved road winding around Alto de Las Palmas and arrived in time to enjoy Aylin and the housekeeper cooking and preparing for the Smeal, which was an event, enjoyed leisurely and with much wine and conversation. 

After dinner, we ventured outside for the evening paseo, as the air continued to cool. The typical year-round daytime temperature up here is 74 degrees; overnight, these temperatures fall to 55 degrees or lower. We walked with the entire family, including the housekeeper's children and the family beagle, past flowerbeds, fruit trees, parrots, lorikeets, and the occasional road sign reminding us of “Curvas Peligrosas.” 

Around the fire on our return to the finca, Aylin served a rich hot chocolate into which she put saltines and farmer's cheese to melt together. Then she showed us how you eat it, with a to me. 

Gustavo started telling jokes, and everyone was in stitches. They say that the final level of language fluency is to be able to understand and laugh at jokes. I'm not anywhere near that point. But I'm good at smiling. 

Before we left, we all went out to look at the stars. Medellin can be hazy, so the astronomical viewing was much better up here at these heights and away from the city lights. We saw Venus following the sunset, and standing straight up slicing through the plane was the Via Lactea, the Milky Way. 

Driving down the road back, the road connecting Rio Negro and the Medellin airport to the city, the Via de las Palmas, we had a perfect view of Medellin at night, warmly lit by millions of lights below us. 

It was a grand day in Medellin, enjoyed at a different level. 


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